Panther in the Hive – The Review

The book I’ll be reviewing today is Panther in the Hive by Olivia A. Cole. Synopsis In a futuristic Chicago, Tasha Lockett – the young black, orphaned protagonist leaves her house not knowing her world has been turned upside down and taken over by zombies known as Minkers as part […]

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Picking yourself up after heartbreak.

Breaking up with someone you thought you would be with forever is devastatingly painful. After the break up you feel like your life is in autopilot mode, the days go slower and although you try to keep yourself busy, your new-found loneliness gets to you at night. Here are some […]

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New year, new me?

Monday 1st of January, 2018. New year = 365 opportunities. Happy new year everyone, hope you’re all well and excited for 2018. Just like most people, I have many goals for this year some personal, others not so personal. MY GOALS: Increase my engagement on apieceofsarah and discover more blogs […]

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What I learnt from the Monzo Inspire Event

Last Thursday I was lucky enough to attend the inspire event at Monzo’s head office near London’s Silicon Roundabout. The event speakers were: Tom Blomfield CEO – Monzo Juliana Zarate Co-Founder and CEO –  Mucho! Tom Freeman – Learning and Development Manager – Headspace Monzo Monzo is a bank which challenges the idea […]

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