The book I’ll be reviewing today is Panther in the Hive by Olivia A. Cole. Synopsis In a futuristic Chicago, Tasha Lockett – the young black, orphaned protagonist leaves her house not knowing her world has been turned upside down and taken over by zombies known as Minkers as part […]
Why Men Love Bitches – the Review 🚹🚺
Why Men Love Bitches: From Doormat to Dreamgirl-A Woman’s Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship by Sherry Argov is a guide for all the ‘nice’ girls out there that bend over backwards for the men in their lives but always get left high and dry. It’s for the […]
The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter & How to Make the Most of Them Now #SarahsBookSoiree
Reasons why you should read The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter & How to Make the Most of Them Now by Dr Meg Jay