Today is Saturday 21st of December 2019. There are only 10 days left of the year. You don’t have to wait until the new year to start executing your goals. If you start laying the foundations now, it will be easier for you to start the new decade focused. Yes, […]
The Book Review of Deep Work – Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport.
The book I’ll be reviewing today is Deep Work – Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport. Cal Newport is a very interesting and well accomplished man. He is a Computer Science professor at Georgetown University, the author of six self help books, published 60 peer […]
Sarah takes Seville!
To escape the cold British weather, I took my second solo trip to Seville, I spent 3 nights in the sunny Andalusian city and I can’t wait to return. Seville is a sunny historical city, littered with many Catholic monuments, exquisite Moorish architecture and orange trees. It’s also the hottest […]
Panther in the Hive – The Review
The book I’ll be reviewing today is Panther in the Hive by Olivia A. Cole. Synopsis In a futuristic Chicago, Tasha Lockett – the young black, orphaned protagonist leaves her house not knowing her world has been turned upside down and taken over by zombies known as Minkers as part […]