
Today I’m writing about consistency because it affects my life in more ways than I had originally thought. I remember all the times where I wasn’t consistent and failed to get the results I wanted. Then I remember all the times I’ve been consistent and I was happy with the outcome because I had exceeded my own expectation of myself because I was consistent. Both times the only person that could control the outcome was myself.

CONSISTENCY /kənˈsɪst(ə)nsi/ The ability to behave and act in in a similar way overtime. I say ability because it’s a skill and it’s bloody hard.

My favourite times where being consistent has worked in my favour was finding a placement and losing weight in second year of university. I spent months finding a placement, 30 different CVs and cover letters made, 2 assessment centres and 3 interviews later I unexpectedly got my placement  in July. 2 months after I finished my second year of uni I had my interview and got my job. Even though working for a year was very hard and I complained about lack of sleep most of the time, taking a placement was one of the best decisions I have ever made.  Ever. Apart from getting paid, it gave me experience in my field and showed me what I wanted and didn’t want from my next job and helped me start the next project I’m working on.

Losing weight in my second year of university:

I lost two stones, dropped my BMI (Body Mass Index) from 33 to 28 and have been able to post two full length bikini pics on Instagram ( I’m proud & yes that’s important to me.) I had been trying to lose weight for years but I had finally had enough. I signed up to my local gym, sometimes went with friends but mostly went alone. The only reason I lost weight is because I went to the gym 4 times a week and tried to eat well. It was hard at first but once I got into it, it became part of my routine. I am currently trying to lose four stones but trying to find time to go to the gym right now is hard due to third year.

But where there is a will there’s a way. 

My main point of this post is to never give up and don’t stop just because you want to quit. “Anything that’s worth having is sure enough worth fighting for” word to Cheryl Cole. Even though she was talking about love I realized this can be applied to everyday life. Relationships, friendships, studying, weight loss, creative projects etc. Life only works if you’re consistent and all of these things need consistency to work.

When you want to stop ask yourself this:

  1. Why did I start in the first place?
  2. What do I want to achieve?
  3. Why do I want to stop?
  4. Am I happy with the way my life is going and will I be upset if I don’t complete this task?

Once you’ve answered these questions you’ll know exactly what you want to achieve because life only changes when you do.

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